Monday, 26 December 2011

Federal Trade Commission-Osama Bin Laden-Data Protection-Social Network-Treasure Trove

Despite a Fix in Europe, Facebook Will Continue to Scan Your American Face

Facebook announced a lengthy list of privacy-related tweaks to its site on Wednesday, following a sweeping and often less-than-flattering report from European Internet watchdogs. The Office of the Irish Data Protection Commissioner (DPC), an agency that handles data protection (read: privacy) across Europe, provided 149 detailed pages of recommendations for how Facebook could better serve its users, and just as they did following similar scrutiny from the Federal Trade Commission, Facebook's press team was ready with an instant response. Action items abound -- 45 of them in fact. ... read more..

From Osama to Skrillex: Facebook's Top Memes of 2011

Facebook has mined its rather sizable treasure trove of data and users to reveal what were the most talked about topics on the social network in 2011. Not surprisingly, Osama bin Laden's death in May was the most mentioned topic in people's status updates this year.Related: Is Facebook Really Worth $50 Billion? read more..

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